Jacob Dennis is a recent graduate of the University of Maryland, Baltimore County where he earned a B.A. in Economics. Currently, he is doing a Post-Baccalaureate program at New York University where he is completing math prerequisites and conducting research with Dr. Abdoulaye Ndiaye. His research experience dates back to 2013 where he did a project in municipal development with Dr. Rebecca Moryl at Emmanuel College. He has also participated in the 2018 AEA Summer Program where he conducted original research in household finance. His current research interests are centered in the intersection of law, development, and behavioral economics. However, he is also a history enthusiast and has many secondary interests in economics ranging from trade, innovation, and topics in sustainability, to tax policy. In the future Jacob endeavors to produce research that will directly benefit the African Diaspora. Outside of economics he composes and performs classical music, is a terrible cook, and enjoys exploring New York City.