Dr. Alakshendra is an Assistant Professor at the Department of Urban and Regional Planning. He also directs the Center for International Design and Planning at the University of Florida. Dr. Alakshendra's research interests are mainly focused on the areas of urbanization, international development, and applied microeconomics in Southeast Asia. He is a trained Development Economist who uses cutting-edge empirical research methods to understand complex socio-economic problems.   

He is a recipient of many prestigious research grants including UKAID, Land and Housing Institute, Korea, and Florida Department of Transportation.  His recent work in India has focused on issues of local economic development such as industrialization, market accessibility, and evaluation of incentive structures. He has also worked on issues of informal settlements in Bihar, particularly looking at the slum policy, the impact of eviction, and willingness to pay of slum dwellers to decent rehabilitation outcomes.   

He has chaired more than 15 Master’s and Ph.D. committees and has served in more than 40 committees as Co-Chair and member. His students have benefitted from his international outlook and connections. His commitment and extensive international connections have immensely contributed to the internationalization of the Department and the University of Florida.